1 Joburi găsite
Aproximativ 200 km
- Sortează după
- Salariu: De la mic la mare
- Salariu: De la mare la mic
- Dată
- Aproximativ 0 km
- Aproximativ 100 km
- Aproximativ 200 km
- Aproximativ 300 km
- Aproximativ 400 km
- Aproximativ 500 km
The Geodes Oil And Gas Plc
Administrative and Technical Department
2025-03-18 23:16 Inginerie Ungheni 153.71km Full-time L
Roustabouts / Roughnecks, Welders / Mechanics, Rig Operators / Drillers, Engineers (petroleum and mechanical) Health and safety officer, Superintendent SMP, SMP Supervisor, Documen...